Pharmacy's Future 3 Poster Set for Pharmacy Windows


Pharmacy's Future 3 Poster Set for Pharmacy Windows


Set of three posters for pharmacy windows titled "Pharmacy's Future" printed in 1958. These "ethical displays" were designed and written by Frank Pinchak, a pharmacist from Paterson, New Jersey. Published by his company Professional Advancement Plan, Pinchak sold the posters to pharmacists around the country. He donated the posters to the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy in 2013. The main poster reads: "Pharmacy's Future...and the health of our nation...and the world...are geared to the constant and costly battles waged by modern medical research." Side poster #1 reads: "90% of today's modern miracle drugs...were not in existence 10 years ago! Mental illness - 79 research projects are now going on in mental hospitals, universities and other institutions for medicines to control schizophrenia and neuroses. Heart attack drugs - A new anti-coagulant drug, developed from bread mold will be available within the next two years. Working in a matter of minutes, the drug can save lives in emergencies such as strokes and certain types of heart attacks. Pills to counter atomic radiation - The Atomic Energy Commission is doing research work on the possibility of giving populations anti-radio-strontium pills in the event of atomic attack." Side poster #2 reads: "Research yields great discoveries. Cancer - National Cancer Institute states that scientists are on verge of a "major breakthrough" to conquest of cancer. New drug...Methotrexate...has successfully suppressed one type of tumor for the first time. Measles - Trials of a new vaccine to prevent measles are scheduled for the near future. 98% of our population contracts measles during childhood. Complications can be dangerous. Polio - Improved polio vaccine sought. Present Salk Vaccine is made from dead virus. Tests will be made from a live virus vaccine which should give better and longer immunity."




Poster Copyright undetermined. For more information or for high-quality reproductions, please contact AIHP:
Image copyright Brian Silverstein, 2008.






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Pinchak, Seymore Francis (Frank), 1922-2014, “Pharmacy's Future 3 Poster Set for Pharmacy Windows,” American Institute of the History of Pharmacy Digital Collection, accessed February 12, 2025,