Browse Items (27 total)
4 fluid oz. bottle labeled "Lloyd's Echinacea," c. 1950. The label lists it as being "from the laboratories of Lloyd Brothers Pharmacists Inc." in "Cincinnati, Ohio."
This cigar store Indian was used as an advertisement for D. F. Saylor’s Pennsylvania tobacco shop during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Indian holds a bundle of cigars in one hand and a tobacco leaf in the other. He stands on a…

Poster, c. 1985, advertising Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World; "In the grandest of illuminated arenas, 2 electric plants, 250,000 candle power." The poster depicts cowboys and stereotypical Native Americans riding…
Jar of Princess Newmoon Herbs, packed by Julia Mae Lithgow, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, c. 1955. The jar features an image of Two women dressed in traditional Native American clothing.
Box of Indian Herbs Brand laxative tablets with a depiction of a stereotypical Native American man, c. 1960. The label claims that the tablets are "composed of derivatives of Indian herbs used from olden times by the Indians." The front of the box…
Package of Scullcap Leaves (Acutellaria) from Murray & NIckell, c. 1895, and a tin of scullcap leaves from a c. 1895 Parke, Davis and Co. Materia Medica case.
Box for Wm. Penn Panatela, America's Great Cigar, c. 1920, featuring an image of William Penn with a stereotypical depiction of a Native American man and woman.
Empty bottle of Red Chief Lightnin Liniment, c. 1925, from the Red Chief Chemical Co., of Memphis, Tennessee. The directions read, "For external use: Apply freely to parts affected. Internal: Adult dose: 10 drops in teaspoonful of sugar. Children 3…
Box for an eight ounce bottle of Ma-Wan-Ka, "the great remedy for stomach liver and kidneys," by the Ba-Ha-Ni Laboratory, Inc., of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, c. 1940. The box claims it is "an excellent tonic [that] improves appetite [and] aids…
Box for eight ounce bottle of Ton-E-Ka Herb Tonic from the Ton-E-Ka Tonic Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, c. 1910. The box says the tonic is "non-alcoholic" and "non-narcotic" and promises a "great system tonic for stomach, liver, kidney, bowels, and…
One-fourth pint bottle labelled "Fluid Extract No. 395 Sarsaparilla U.S.P.," c. 1945, from Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, Indiana.
An Eli Lilly & Company Jar of Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga), c. 1915.
Bottle of fluid extract of wild cherry bark from Eli Lilly & Co., c. 1910, and tin of wild cherry extract from a c. 1895 Parke, Davis and Co. Materia Medica case.
Tin of Witch Hazel from a c. 1895 Parke, Davis and Co. Materia Medica case.
Package of Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium) from Allaire, Woodward, and Co., in Peoria, Illinois, c. 1895, and a tin of Yarrow from a c. 1895 Parke, Davis and Co. Materia Medica case.
A box containing several ampules of Echinacea Angustifolia for hypodermic use by the Luyties Pharmacal Company of St. Louis, Missouri. Each ampule contains 30 Minims. The directions read, "Break the neck of the bulb and insert the hypodermic needle.…
Package of mugwort or "Artemisia Vulgaris" leaves featuring decorative botanical illustration, c. 1895. The package lists the product as being produced by "Allaire, Woodward and Co." in "Peoria, Ill."
A H.K. Mulford bottle of Fluid Extract of Hydrastis, c. 1920.
Jar of Bearberry (Uva Ursi) from Eli Lilly & Company, c. 1910, and package of bearberry (Uva Ursi) from the S.B. Penick & Co., of New York, c. 1950.
Tin of Indian Tobacco from a c. 1895 Parke, Davis and Co. Materia Medica case.
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