Cartoon from the February 20, 1909, issue of the satirical magazine Judge titled "Look Behind You." A prohibition agitator shines a light on a closed cafe that sells beer, wine, and cigars. Meanwhile, across the street, the Dope Shop Corner Drug…
Certificate of purity guarantee for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, with a notary public seal from the Swamp-Root Almanac from 1914. The certificate states that "Swamp-Root was discovered through scientific research and…
Cartoon fom the June 8, 1912, issue of the satirical magazine Judge titled "The Modern Drug Store." "After looking about, the "stranger" visiting a drugstore asks the pharmacist: "Can you tell me where I can buy some quinine pills?" This cartoon…
Cartoon from the 1916 NARD Peoples Almanac presented with the compliments of J. B. Dickey, M.D. Druggist, Iroquois, South Dakota. "The Pure Food and Drugs Act, although a law since June 30, 1906, has not as yet been able to reach all the…
Cartoon from the 1916 NARD Peoples Almanac presented with the compliments of J. B. Dickey, M.D. Druggist, Iroquois,South Dakota. "This picture shows, in a graphic manner, the false friends with fair faces, that are parading before the public as baby…
Cartoon from the March 28, 1906, issue of the satirical magazine Puck titled "The Seven Ages of Dope," critiques the widespread sale and use of adulterated products. The captions read: "At first the infant, dopily mewling in the nurse's arms. And…
Cartoon from the June 27, 1906, issue of the satirical magazine Puck critiques the widespread sale and use of adulterated products. Citizens in New York harbor throw boxes of adulterated products off the "The Good Ship Dope." The title of the cartoon…
Cartoon titled "Age of Drugs" from the October 10, 1900, issue of the satirical magazine Puck critiques the sale of intoxicating substances in drugstores. A saloonkeeper says of the druggist, "The kind of drunkard I make is going out of fashion. I…