Poster, c. 1985, advertising Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World; "In the grandest of illuminated arenas, 2 electric plants, 250,000 candle power." The poster depicts cowboys and stereotypical Native Americans riding…
1901 New York Quinine and Chemical Works advertisement for several drugs including morphine, cocaine, strychnine, and quinine. The advertisement features a stereotypical image of a Native American man and an image of white men harvesting natural…
Page from the 1933 Herbalist Almanac with a calendar for December 1933. The page features a stereotypical image of Native Americans walking through snow outside of tipis.
Certificate of purity guarantee for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, with a notary public seal from the Swamp-Root Almanac from 1914. The certificate states that "Swamp-Root was discovered through scientific research and…
The Ladies Birthday Almanac 1900 advertisement for McElree's Wine of Cardui for Woman's Relief, which claims to be "the most astonishing tonic for women known to medical science." The ad depicts an image of a stereotypical Native American woman…