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A page from 1889 Wright's Pictorial Family Almanac advertising Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. The ad features a stereotypical image of a Native American man wearing a headdress and holding a spear.
A page from the 1933 Herbalist Almanac advertising Sonora Tonic. The advertisement features four small images: (1) "Indians, on their long marches, sustained their endurance through chewing the leaves of 'Mate,' one of the main ingredients of Sonora…
Page from the 1934 Indian Herb Gardens Calendar with an advertisement for Indian Bitters. The page features a calendar for April 1934 and depicts a stereotypical image of Native American women planting seeds.
Cover of the 1934 Indian Herb Gardens Calendar. The cover depicts a stereotypical image of a Native American family greeting a family of white American settlers outside of a log cabin. The Native American man holds a pipe in one hand and plants in…
Page from the 1933 Herbalist Almanac claiming that an "old document tells Indian Medicine herbs." The page features a stereotypical image of Native Americans around a fire sharing a pipe.
The Ladies Birthday Almanac 1900 advertisement for McElree's Wine of Cardui for Woman's Relief, which claims to be "the most astonishing tonic for women known to medical science." The ad depicts an image of a stereotypical Native American woman…
Page from the 1934 Indian Herb Gardens Almanac featuring a letter to customers. The letter states in part, "The use of herbs, roots, etc., for medicinal purposes reaches back to the times even when man was still in the savage state." The letterhead…
Page from the 1934 Indian Herb Gardens Almanac with a "personal message to all." The message reads in part, "This is due to the fact that in treatment we are not so far advanced. And the reason we are not so far advanced is because right now we…
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