Browse Items (4 total)
Advertising sign for the Chief Two Moon Bitter Oil, c. 1935. The sign reads, "Stop! Gambling with your health. Use the old reliable Chief Two Moon Bitter Oil, the wonderful laxative, sold here."
Advertising placard for Chief Two Moon Bitter oil, c. 1930, featuring an image of the founder of the company, Chief Two Moon Meridas, wearing a headdress and traditional Native American clothing. The sign reads, "Here is a combination of nature's…
Box for Chief Two Moon Bitter Oil Laxative from the Chief Two Moon Herb Co., Waterbury, Conn., c. 1945.
Picture of Chief Two Moon Meridas wearing a headdress and traditional Native American clothing greeting three other Native Americans outside of the Chief Two Moon Herb Co., headquartered in Waterbury, Connecticut, c. 1925.
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