Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Cosanyl and Cosadein. The advertisement describes Cosanyl as the original syrup cocillana compound as manufactured by Parke Davis & Company, supplied in 4-ounce, 1-pint, and 1-gallon…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Cosanyl. The advertisement states that this compound is the same as the original syrup cocillana compound manufactured by Parke Davis & Company. It describes the compound's taste and…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Cosanyl. This simple blotter contains only the name of the compound, the name of the company, the words "sedative, expectorant," and a statement that the preparation is supplied in…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Cosanyl, formerly known as syrup cocillana compound, for painful cough assocaited with scanty expectoration. The advertisement notes the compound's sedative, expectorant, and soothing…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Cosadein for cough relief. The advertisement notes the compound's sedative, expectorant, and soothing properties as well as its agreeable flavor. This narcotic-exempt preparation is…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Cosadein for cough relief. The advertisement notes the compound's sedative, expectorant, and soothing properties as well as its pleasant flavor and odor and avoidance of gastric…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Combex Parenteral Vitamin B Complex. This liquid injectable also includes liver extract and is supplied in 10-cc rubber-diaphragm-capped vials. The advertisement notes that this liquid is…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex Vitamin B Complex. This simple blotter includes only the name of the multivitamin and the company name at its center, on what looks like a white card. It is further noted…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex Vitamin-B Complex. These Kapseals contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, Nicotinic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, and other components of the vitamin B complex derived from the liver. The…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex Vitamin-B Complex. These Kapseals contain vitamins B1 and B2, as well as other components of the vitamin B complex. The advertisement notes that Kapseals Combex are…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex (Vitamin-B Complex). These multivitamin Kapseals contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 and P-P factor. The advertisement notes that Kapseals Combex are indicated in the…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Liquid Citralka, a systemic alkalizer. The advertisement notes the value of this liquid in preventing and treating acidosis in: dehydration, gastrointestinal disturbances, infectious…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Liquid Citralka, a systemic alkalizer. The advertisement notes the value of this liquid in preventing and treating acidosis and for alkalinizing urine in: disorders of the urinary tract,…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Catarrhalis Immunogen Combined. As the blotter notes, this is a soluble mixed antigen derived from live cultures of organisms found in upper respiratory infections. It is indicated in…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex with Vitamin-C, water-soluble vitamins. The advertisement notes that these multivitamins are supplied in bottles of 100, 500, and 1000. The blotter has the date 10-41…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex with Vitamin C, water-soluble vitamins. The advertisement notes that these water-soluble vitamins are indicated for those with certain conditions that create diminished…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex with Vitamin C, water-soluble vitamins. The advertisement notes certain conditions that create diminished vitamin intake, impaired absorption or utilization, and increased…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex and Kapseals Combex with Vitamin C. The advertisement notes that each of these supply vitamin B complex in high concentration, and one has the addition of ascorbic acid…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex and Kapseals Combex with Vitamin C. The advertisement notes that each of these supply vitamin B complex in high concentration. They are commonly indicated in pregnancy and…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1940s advertising Kapseals Combex and Kapseals Combex with Vitamin C. These multivitamin Kapseals contain thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, nicotinic acid, and pantothenic acid,…