Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Theelin and Theelol. The product is indicated in "menopausal disturbances, gonorrheal vaginitis, [and] menopausal sequelae." It can be taken through intramuscular injection, vaginally, or…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Siblin. The advertisement describes siblin as "a palatable, granular, water-absorbent material obtained from Plantago- combined with Crysto-Vibex (vitamin B1 or thiamin chloride)" and…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Siblin. The advertisement states that the product provides "mechanical stimulation and lubrication plus the peristalsis-stimulating effect of vitamin B1." It is supplied in 4 oz and 1 lb…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Cosanyl, formerly known as syrup cocillana compound, for painful cough assocaited with scanty expectoration. The advertisement notes the compound's sedative, expectorant, and soothing…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Adrenalin Chloride Solution, an oral inhalation treatment for bronchial asthma. The advertisement promotes the prompt "adrenalin effect" on bronchial passages, lack of unpleasant side…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Abdol with Vitamin C, comprehensive vitamin therapy. The advertisement notes dosage: one capsule for vitamin deficiencies in the average person, and two or more for such deficiencies in a…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Pitressin ampules. This solution comes from the pressor principle (beta-hypophamine) of the posterior pituitary gland. It is used to stimulate contraction and increase tone of smooth…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Pitocin ampules. It is indicated in the induction of labor, stimulation of the uterus during labor, and in the prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage and bleeding following…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Ortal Sodium, a hypnotic. This sleep-inducing pill is noted to have: a wide margin of safety, prompt effect, brief duration of action, minimum side effects, and freedom from cumulative…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Natola, Vitamins A and D in a preferred ratio for infants. Average prophylactic and therapeutic dosages are given. The quantity of Vitamins A and D per ten drops is noted. The…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Mapharsen, a treatment for syphilis. It is indicated in early, late, latent, congenital, cardiovascular, and "in pregnancy" related treatment of syphilis. The advertisement promises…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Lipo-Lutin, corpus luteum hormone. This is a physiologically standardized, protein-free oil solution which contains progestin. It is supplied in ampules, in boxes of 6 and 25. The…
Parke Davis collectible ink blotter from the 1930s advertising Irradol-A, made of four essential vitamins, A, B1, B2(G), and D, with added malt extract and iron. The advertisement notes that it is indicated in malnutrition, convalescence,…
Poster (c.1936) warning about the dangers of marijuana. The title reads: "Marihuana Weed with roots in hell! Not recommended for children." The text reads "weird orgies, wild parties, unleashed passions."
Poster (c. 1936) warning about the dangers of marijuana. The poster claims to divulge "heretofore unheard of orgies of youth's dissipation." The text reads: "Adults Only! Exposed! Marihuana, Shattered Hopes! Tangled Lives!"
Article from the October 21, 1938, issue of the Wisconsin State Journal reporting Dane County, Wisconsin's, first marijuana possession case. Harold Thompson, an African American man, received the maximum sentence of a $200 fine or three months in…